Stem-Kine is a cornerstone product in helping clients achieve their healthy sweet spot. The ingredients boost circulating blood stem cells. These cells differentiate into immune system protecting factors and red blood cells. Benefits include increased oxygen delivery to your cells and tissue, and balanced immunity.
How Do We Know This Solution Works
Our Clients have autoimmune and degenerative diseases or are seeking peak performance. Prior to customizing their treatment strategies, we measure the levels of immune/inflammatory response, oxidative stress, allergies and stem cell health factors in our Clients' blood serum. The levels of these factors are compared with healthy controls. We then re-test after 6 months of treatments. For many the improvement in health and performance are startling. This is confirmed in the re-tests.

Our clients describe therapeutic benefits in terms of "improved mental acuity", "more energy" and "more stamina".
This is the Physician's formulation of Stem-Kine and is a one month supply of 60 capsules. We recommend taking 2 capsules after breakfast.

Nina A Mikirova, James A Jackson, Ron Hunninghake, Julian Kenyon, Kyle WH Chan, Cathy A Swindlehurst, Boris Minev, Amit N Patel, Michael P Murphy, Leonard Smith, Famela Ramos, Thomas E Ichim and Neil H Riordan. Nutraceutical augmentation of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and hematopoietic stem cells in human subjects. Journal of Translational Medicine 2010, 8:34 doi:10.1186/1479-5876-8-34.
Nina A Mikirova, James A Jackson, Ron Hunninghake, Julian Kenyon, Kyle WH Chan, Cathy A Swindlehurst, Boris Minev, Amit N Patel, Michael P Murphy, Leonard Smith, Doru T Alexandrescu, Thomas E Ichim and Neil H Riordan. Journal of Translational Medicine 2009, 7:106 doi:10.1186/1479-5876-7-106